Notes from the floor

Strategic Direction debate kicks off

Debate kicked off Tuesday afternoon on the draft of Strategic Directions.  Delegates gave input and shared experiences that will shape CUPE’s priorities for the next two years.

Health care and education workers described the urgency of tackling violence and harassment in the workplace. The discussion highlighted the rise of precarious work in CUPE’s membership, and the importance of bargaining strategies that make full-time, permanent jobs a priority.

Debate touched on organizing the unorganized, mentoring new members, engaging activists, and building CUPE’s sectoral bargaining power.

Delegates called for action to protect jobs and privacy from the effects of new technology, and action to ensure better mental health and safety protection for all workers.

Strategic Directions returns to the floor on Wednesday. Debate feedback will then be integrated into a revised document that returns for a vote on Friday.

Indigenous communities

Delegates reaffirmed CUPE’s commitment to improving access to clean drinking water for Indigenous people and deepened our commitment to truth and reconciliation by passing a resolution calling for mandatory training for all staff and National Executive Board members.

Fighting for our climate

Delegates passed environmental resolutions including a call for a ban on single-use plastics, the reduction of our environmental footprint by investing in electric vehicles, encouraging green bargaining language and developing transition programs for workers and communities affected by the shift to a low carbon economy.

CUPE to build on existing work to combat precarious work

Delegates approved a resolution to build on CUPE’s existing work fighting precarious work in the post-secondary education sector by developing new tools and providing adequate training for locals to combat precarity in their workplaces.

Solidarity with migrant workers

CUPE will join the Migrant Justice Network and support their actions and goals to improve working and living conditions of migrant workers and partake in the Network’s calls to actions and participate in training members.

Source: CUPE National