• If you feel you have a grievable issue, please reach out to your Board Member, a Senior Steward or Chief Steward as soon as possible. GRIEVANCES MUST BE FILED WITHIN 5 DAYS of the event happening. Exceptions to this are Policy Grievances, which can usually be filed at any time.


  • You need to identify yourself if you want to file a grievance. Sometimes people want to do so ‘anonymously’, but unfortunately that is not possible.


  • Grievances are not always needed to solve an issue. Quite often, the Union can facilitate a discussion that will provide a solution to your issue. We always at least try to work it out before we file a grievance. This is a much faster and less stressful way to come to resolution.


  • Grievances take time to resolve. Booking dates where all parties are able to attend is difficult to do and is a major source of frustration for us all. We want to get is dealt with as soon as we can because that is what’s best for you, the Member. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible especially when we have to move through all of the Steps. Please be assured that we do our best to be fully available for whatever dates the Employer offers.


  • Grievances flow like this MOST OF THE TIME:


  • Initial fact finding/investigation. This is done with the Senior Stewards, Board Member or the Chief Steward.
  • Attempt at resolution. Any of the above Union Officers will attempt this if it’s appropriate. If the investigation/discussion phase is lengthy, the Chief Stewards will seek and Extension to File a grievance from The Director of HR, which will allow for greater than 5 days to file.
  • If no resolution, a grievance is filed by the Chief Steward. A Steward is assigned and the meeting occurs with the Steward, Member, HR and the Manager.
  • If denied, Step 2 is held. The Senior Steward, Member, HR and Manager attend.
  • If denied, Step 3 is held. The Chief Steward, President, National Rep, Member, HR Director, and applicable Dept. Head attend.
  • If denied, Mediation or Arbitration are considered.
  • It is important to note that NO TWO GREIVANCES ARE ALIKE. Yours will not go exactly like your co-workers. Every situation and grievance is looked at in isolation and that is to the benefit of the Member. You are not your co-worker and your issue is not theirs. You get to make your own argument that is appropriate for you.


Please reach out if you need help or have questions. We cannot address your issues if we don’t know you have them. Call, text or email any of the Executive Members anytime. We are all happy to help however we can.